Be a Communities in Bloom Member!
Becoming a Member of Communities in Bloom Alberta is easy! Communities have the choice of being evaluated by our Evaluation Team of judges at regular yearly intervals, or every 2 or 3 years.
Provincial judges evaluate the communities on the six program criteria and award a bloom rating from 1 to 5 blooms (5 being the highest ranking). A provincial awards ceremony held in the fall celebrates the communities with a certificate of their bloom rating.
Communities reaching the 5 Bloom rating may be invited to participate in the following year’s Canadian National Communities in Bloom edition – recommended from CiB Alberta to CiB National.
Communities register in one of several categories each year, beginning in January:
- Novice Member Community – for communities new to the program. For additional information see the Novice Program Information Document
- Member Community – for communities to join us, but not participate in the evaluation process. Please see more information in the Communities in Bloom Alberta Program Guide
- Evaluated Member Community – for communities wishing to receive an evaluation from the judges. Please see more information in the Communities in Bloom Alberta Program Guide
What Communities in Bloom Means to Our Community
Register to join the Communities in Bloom Alberta Family!
Do not hesitate to contact us!
- Email:
- Call: (403) 598-5346
- Fill out our online Contact Form